BOOST Nation: Town Hall


BOOST NATION: Town Hall meetings are informal public meetings scheduled throughout the conference with national leaders. Everybody in the out-of-school time community is invited to attend, voice their opinions, share issues and challenges, share promising practices, and hear responses from public figures and elected officials about shared subjects of interest in your community.


10:30AM - 12:15PM


2:45PM - 4:45PM 



10:00AM - 12:00PM


1:15PM - 2:30PM


3:45PM - 5:15PM



9:15AM - 11:15AM


BOOST Nation: Town hall Contact

Have any questions or suggestions for a BOOST Nation: Town Hall meeting?


Melissa Perez

Melissa Perez
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  BOOST sunburst

BOOST Volunteer
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  

Please note: Name badges are required to attend all BOOST Conference events including all meals and all workshops.

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By donating to BOOST Collaborative you are supporting our mission to provide quality professional development to global educators, building community, and cultivating experiences for change. You are supporting our purpose - thank you for your support. 

Click here to make a donation today.


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BOOST Collaborative | 1286 University Ave #739 | San Diego, California 92103 | 619-23-BOOST (619-232-6678)