Trash to Treasure Program


Do you ever exhibit at a successful show, yet still have samples or hand-outs left over after the show?

Is it ever too expensive to ship your product back so you end up discarding it after the show?

Are you wondering what to do with those flowers you ordered for your booth, extra giveaways, books or games?

The Palm Springs Convention Center consistently strives to be an important part of the Palm Springs Community and has partnered with the Boys and Girls Club of Palm Springs and The Palm Springs Unified School District to improve the lives of the students in our city.

Upon completion of the BOOST show at 3:31PM on Thursday, members of the PSCC staff will be coming through the aisles to pick up donations you might have for our students. These items will be personally delivered to the organization and donated in the name of the BOOST (Best of Out-of-School Time) Conference

We hope you enjoy your stay in Palm Springs. We will see you at the end of the show.

Thanks for staying green and contributing to the success of youth in our city!

-The Staff of the Palm Springs Convention Center

Boys and Girls Club of Palm Springs   PSUSD Palm Springs Unified logo  

Donate to BOOSTDonate to BOOST to help create change

By donating to BOOST Collaborative you are supporting our mission to provide quality professional development to global educators, building community, and cultivating experiences for change. You are supporting our purpose - thank you for your support. 

Click here to make a donation today.


boostcollaborative logo BOOST conference NEW logo copy boost cafe transparentBOOST Cafe Breakfast Club logo copy BOOST training assistance logo BOOST bootcamp logorise-footertrust-logo4x4LOGOS_03   

BOOST Collaborative | 1286 University Ave #739 | San Diego, California 92103 | 619-23-BOOST (619-232-6678)